<font size="2">
<p>These builds are from the end of the project. Development is still
- continuing, but these builds are only available directly from
- <a href="/cvs.shtml">CVS at the present moment.</a></p>
+ continuing, but the sources are only available directly from
+ <a href="/cvs.shtml">CVS</a>. To see a list of the changes since these
+ builds were made, see the link below:</p>
+ <p><a href="http://www.i-scream.org.uk/cgi-bin/cvslog.cgi?period=since&date=2001/03/29&module=cms">
+ Commits to the "cms" CVS module since project completion (29/03/2001)</a></p>
<p>Full documentation can be found by following the "Documentation"
link on the left-hand bar. Downloads below are the same, apart from
<font size="2">
<p>These builds are from the end of the project. Development is still
- continuing, but these builds are only available directly from
- <a href="/cvs.shtml">CVS at the present moment.</a></p>
+ continuing, but the sources are only available directly from
+ <a href="/cvs.shtml">CVS</a>. To see a list of the changes since these
+ builds were made, see the link below:</p>
+ <p><a href="http://www.i-scream.org.uk/cgi-bin/cvslog.cgi?period=since&date=2001/03/29&module=cms">
+ Commits to the "cms" CVS module since project completion (29/03/2001)</a></p>
<p>Full documentation can be found by following the "Documentation"
link on the left-hand bar. Downloads below are the same, apart from