+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use CGI;
+$query=new CGI;
+$period = "today" unless defined $period;
+if($period eq "days") {
+ my($days)=$query->param('days');
+ $days = 1 unless defined $days;
+ if ($days < 1) {$days = 1};
+ $heading = "i-scream CVS commits in the past $days day(s)";
+ $days--;
+ $firstdate = `date --date \"$days days ago\" \"+%Y/%m/%d\"`;
+elsif($period eq "thisweek") {
+ $firstdate = "last Sunday";
+ $heading = "i-scream CVS commits this week";
+else {
+ # default to "today only"
+ $firstdate = `/bin/date \"+%Y/%m/%d\"`;
+ $heading = "Today's i-scream CVS commits";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
-my($today) = `date \"+%Y/%m/%d\"`;
-my($cvs) = "/home/cut/tdb1/bin/cvs";
-my($cvs2clpath) = "/home/cut/tdb1/bin/cvs2cl";
-my($cvsroot) = "/usr/local/proj/co600_10/cvs";
-my($cvs2clargs) = "--stdout -r -b -t -w -U $cvsroot/CVSROOT/users -l \"-d'\>$today'\" -g \"-d$cvsroot\" -g \"-Q\"";
-my($cmd) = "cd /home/cut/tdb1/cvsscripttemp && $cvs -d $cvsroot -Q update -d && $cvs2clpath $cvs2clargs *";
-my(@lines) = `$cmd 2>&1`;
+my($cvs) = "/usr/bin/cvs";
+my($cvs2clpath) = "/home/sites/www.i-scream.org.uk/bin/cvs2cl.pl";
+my($cvsroot) = "/cvs/i-scream";
+#my($cvs2clargs) = "--stdout -r -b -t -w -U $cvsroot/CVSROOT/users -l \"-d'\>$today'\" -g \"-d$cvsroot\" -g \"-Q\"";
+my($cvs2clargs) = "--stdout -r -b -t -w -U $cvsroot/CVSROOT/users -l \"-d'\>$firstdate'\" -g \"-d$cvsroot\" -g \"-Q\"";
+my($updatecmd) = "cd /home/sites/www.i-scream.org.uk/cvsscripttemp && $cvs -d $cvsroot -Q update -d";
+my($logcmd) = "cd /home/sites/www.i-scream.org.uk/cvsscripttemp && $cvs2clpath $cvs2clargs";
print <<"END";
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>The i-scream Project Daily Commit Log</title>
- <meta name="description" content="The i-scream Project is a central
-monitoring system for Unix, Linux and NT servers.">
- <meta name="keywords" content="i-scream, project, central monitoring
-system, unix, linux, nt, server, alert">
- <meta name="generator" content="notepad on acid, aye.">
-<body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ff" alink="#3333cc" vlink="#3333cc"
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ff" alink="#3333cc" vlink="#3333cc" text="#000066">
<a href="http://www.i-scream.org.uk"><img border="0" src="../i-scream.gif"></a>
-<h3>Today's i-scream CVS commits</h3>
-<a href="viewcvs.cgi">Browse i-scream CVS repository</a>
-foreach my $line (@lines) {
- print HTML_encode($line);
+print `$updatecmd`;
+my $modulelist = `ls $cvsroot`;
+my(@modules) = split (/\s+/, $modulelist);
+foreach my $module (@modules) {
+ print "<p><h3>$module module</h3>\n";
+ print "<a href=\"/cgi-bin/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/$module\">";
+ print "Browse i-scream "$module" cvs module</a>\n";
+ print "<pre>\n";
+ my(@lines) = `$logcmd $module 2>&1`;
+ if(@lines == 0) {
+ print "There have been no commits in this module during this period.";
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print HTML_encode($line);
+ }
+ }
+ print "</pre></p>\n\n";
print <<"END";
$encoded =~ s/>/>/g;
return $encoded;