Who We are

We are a group of four 3rd year Computer Science students at the University of Kent. As part of our final year we have to undertake a project that is worth a quarter of our final year mark. Here's who we are :-

Ash Beeson - ash@i-scream.org.uk

Ash draws unrelated items of artwork on the whiteboard and thus inspires interesting names for projects.

Tim Bishop - tim@i-scream.org.uk

Tim sleeps with the Java API under his pillow and is always quick to find a relevant link. He also enjoys playing with CORBA and other network related gubbins.

Alex Moore - aj@i-scream.org.uk

AJ is the ideas man... he is always coming up with "yet another" funky little idea we could use. Using CORBA was probably his idea, and as such him and Tim spend their time sending messages over CORBA.

Paul Mutton - paul@i-scream.org.uk

Paul is our resident web guru, and therefore gets lumbered with anything vaguely related to the web... that's why he gets to implement the XML stuff :)

Group Mailing List - dev@i-scream.org.uk