

Friday 10 October 2003

Version 0.6 of libstatgrab has been released.
You can download it from our mirror site here. This release includes some exciting new tools, support for FreeBSD 5.1, and documentation in manpages. Plus some major bugfixes and packaging enhancements.

Tuesday 09 September 2003

We're pleased to announce a new release of libstatgrab.
You can download version 0.5.1 from here.

Monday 25 August 2003

We're pleased to announce a new release of libstatgrab.
You can download version 0.5 from here. This release provides both documentation and examples, which we hope will make the package more useable. Stay tuned for the next release with some useful tools.

What is libstatgrab?

libstatgrab is a library that provides cross platform access to statistics about the system on which it's run. It's written in C and presents a selection of useful interfaces which can be used to access key system statistics. The current list of statistics includes CPU usage, memory utilisation, disk usage, process counts, network traffic, disk I/O, and more.

The current list of platforms is Solaris 2.x, Linux 2.4, and FreeBSD 4.x/5.x. The aim is to extend this to include as many operating systems as possible.

The package also includes a couple of useful tools. The first, saidar, provides a curses-based interface to viewing the current state of the system. The second, statgrab, gives a sysctl-style interface to the statistics gathered by libstatgrab. This extends the use of libstatgrab to people writing scripts or anything else that can't easily make C function calls. Included with statgrab is a script to generate an MRTG configuration file to use statgrab.


The latest version of libstatgrab can be downloaded from our primary download mirror. All downloads are pgp signed using our PGP Key.

For installation instructions see the README and INSTALL files contained within the archive. If you're using FreeBSD you can make use of the devel/libstatgrab port to install libstatgrab for you.


The only online documentation we have at the moment is the manual pages converted in to HTML format. It's probably best to start with the overview manual page:

Then we have the manual pages for each function: