Current Status

Most i-scream components are now functioning to initial design parameters and data can now be passed through the system and displayed successfully. Documentation is still being generated, to allow for future development of the i-scream project. Detailed information can usually be found in the meeting minutes. Code is viewable via CVS to UKC users only.

The i-scream Distributed Central Monitoring System Reports are now visible on the web. You may view the latest information about each machine, historical 24-hour reports and alerts for each machine. Please remember that this is work in progress still, so the only data currently viewable is our own data that has been harvested by our own testing. Also note that historical reports are only available for periods during which our server was running.

Our current host development allows us to pass machine statistics to our distributed filter arrangement, which then processes the data and stores it for later use. An example of such use is the historical report generator which produces graphs of machine usage over periods of time (viewable in a web browser). Realtime clients are also currently being developed - one Java Swing GUI version and also a command line version that can run in a terminal window. Alerting mechanisms are being put in place to complete the i-scream system.

Builds of the i-scream Distributed Central Monitoring System are now available for download from this website. These are still very much in development and should only be used by people who have been in communication with the development team.


Project Completion

The project deadline is 4pm on 29 March. As such, we plan to complete the coding process by (at the latest) the end of the project week (26/2 - 2/3). This allows time for documentation to be tidied up and completed, and printing of the project.

As can be seen in the "problem domain" document, the project was aimed at the UKC Computer Science department, and as such we believe a demonstration to the "customer" is important. We plan to do this over the next two weeks, and the feedback given will allow any "last minute" alterations to be completed.


Naming History

The name i-scream arose from a meeting whereupon one member of our group randomly chose to draw an ice cream on the white board. It later became apparent that we had no name for our project (other than 'The Project'). It seemed only natural to name our project after the ice cream that had been oh-so-randomly drawn on the white board. Copyright issues immediately ruled out anything involving Mr Whippy, so we had to settle for i-scream. And thus, we were left with a cunning play on words - it still sounded like ice cream, yet also served as a functional decription of our system - namely, one which screams at somebody if something has gone wrong...