#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my($today) = `date \"+%Y/%m/%d\"`; my($cvs2clpath) = "/home/cut/tdb1/bin/cvs2cl"; my($cvsroot) = "/usr/local/proj/co600_10/cvs"; my($cvs2clargs) = "--stdout -r -b -t -w -U $cvsroot/CVSROOT/users -l \"-d'\>$today'\" -g \"-d$cvsroot\" -g \"-Q\""; my($cmd) = "cd /home/cut/tdb1/cvsscripttemp && $cvs2clpath $cvs2clargs *"; my(@lines) = `$cmd`; print <<"END"; The i-scream Project Logfile Tailer

Today's i-scream CVS commits

Browse i-scream CVS repository

foreach my $line (@lines) {
    print HTML_encode($line);

print <<"END";
END exit 0; #------------------------------------------------------ # sub HTML_encode # # escape HTML characters that may cause problems when # shown either in the or within text fields. #------------------------------------------------------ sub HTML_encode ($){ my ($encoded) = @_; $encoded =~ s/&/&/g; $encoded =~ s/"/"/g; $encoded =~ s//>/g; return $encoded; }