i-scream TODO list

This is a list of things which still need to be done;


FIX the major memory leak issues.
LocalClient Monitors: Load, Processes, Queues, Users, Disks (MB threshold).
Sort out GC & Configuration objects (and CorbaHandlers).

13/03/2001 - Thread naming, at least at a "what class it is" level.
           - Utilise the ConfigurationProxy throughout the server.
09/03/2001 - WebFeeder needs to dump Alerts to disk.
08/03/2001 - WebFeeder needs to dump XML to disk
             LocalClient Monitors: Disks, Service Checks
07/03/2001 - Service Checks: FTP, POP3, IMAP, SSH, Telnet
01/03/2001 - Make it easy to change flags to the java compiler.
             Configuration groups need implementing.
28/02/2001 - Queue identification ? Use a hash of the Queue ?
             Fix the Queue "unlimited" size problem.
27/02/2001 - (not needed) ClientInterface/DBInterface need to "pull" data ?
             Builds on the website ?
             Change build scripts to make iscream-server.java/tar.gz/zip
25/02/2001 - Move checking of logging verbosity to the servant.
23/02/2001 - print verbosity level with logging messages
             functionality added to the LoggerServant
23/02/2001 - Startup of components - eg. running DBInterface on another machine.
             Now catches any problems relating to not finding a component if
             a component has a dependancy.  The component manager will then
             retry it after a given timeout.
12/02/2001 - Logging of Queue.status() somehow.
06/02/2001 - Make use of the PrintWriter "autoflush" feature :)
28/01/2001 - Add dependency checking for the DOCOPY Makefile target.
             Client Interface needs more functionality.
             SQL Driver doesn't work in Windows.
18/01/2001 - Heartbeats are still dropped.
             CVS directories get added to build tar/zip file.
             Problem on FreeBSD with zip file adding more files than it should.
             Remove Component from util package -> ComponentManager.
             Remove ReferenceManager from util package -> ComponentManager.
             Add status methods to the Queue that return just values.
             Clean up the util package, it shouldn't do logging etc.
               -- done with the exception of ReferenceManager.
16/01/2001 - Build a util package JAR file seperately.
14/01/2001 - Javadoc pages on website ?
               -- done for the server at least.
12/01/2001 - Investigate the use of a Queue in the Filter, to replace the
             current FilterThread setup.
07/01/2001 - Makefile needs to copy non-java files to JAR (eg. images).
02/01/2001 - Add making of Javadoc pages to make scripts.
             Queuing system in the root filter.


Consider graphing of some values?
Allow changing of view 
 -adding removing data fields??
 -comparing fields accross servers
Possibly use a JTree in place of a JTabbedPane
Fix bug where it can take up to two packets to display
  correct information.  This is most visible in service
  checks, but can also be seen on disk, memory and anything
  else that uses two data items from the packet for one
Maybe handle exceptions nicer in the comms
Switch to using the StringUtil class for the firewall command stuff

01/03/2001 - re-work host display and choosing mechanism (ie, make us 1.1 protocol)
26/02/2001 - Rework system displaying of components for Swing Event Handling
             Allow config to be written back to a local file
             Allow local file config to be changed via the GUI
05/02/2001 - allow disk components to alter their units
             have some icons and the i-scream logo on display
             show errors in windows rather than on the console
             Fix error in packet stopping update of ALL hosts
04/02/2001 - Write LOADS more data components
03/02/2001 - Allow config to be obtained from the server
30/01/2001 - Add option to handle firewalls
29/01/2001 - Allow config to be obtained from a local file
             Fix problem with memory display showing negative values at start
             Ensure all Swing updates use the Swing Event Handling thread (partial - only data components)
28/01/2001 - Tidy up network comms and link handling


Solaris - If free memory changes to < 10Mb (?) it changes to K rather than M (thus not matched)
FreeBSD - grabbing memory total
Linux - CPU %'s not always right, 2 repititions ?
Consider proc as a replacement for top on Linux
If possible, find alternatives to top, as it's very "heavy"

C++ Host

UDP Packet size to 8Kb
Porting to Linux/FreeBSD (Windows?)


Still needs to send the true uptime.
Processor ID should be packet.os.architecture
Minor version joined with packet.os.version
Logo ? Pink icon ? URL link ? fixes...
Solve OCX problem


Produce a very quick "check script" which can be run by cron.

Web Reports

Alert/System Summary Page
Individual Host Alert Summary Page(s)
Individual Host Lastest Data Page(s) (including service checks)